Trefl Sopot Depth Charts

2023-2024 Trefl Sopot Polish OBL Depth Chart

Starters Aaron Best
12.6p 5.8r 1.8a
Paul Scruggs
6.6p 7.0r 2.4a
Benedek Varadi
10.4p 2.8r 3.2a
Andy Van Vliet
5.6p 4.0r 1.4a
Geoff Groselle
11.0p 6.4r 1.0a
Rotation Jakub Schenk
14.8p 2.6r 2.2a
  J. Zyskowski
7.4p 1.4r 0.2a
Auston Barnes
3.4p 5.2r 0.2a
Rotation       M. Witlinski
5.2p 4.4r 0.4a
Lim PT Jakub Musial
0.4p 0.6r 0.2a
    F. Gurtatowski
1.5p 0.0r 0.0a
Lim PT Milosz Toczek
0.0p 0.5r 0.5a

* Depth Charts are updated daily throughout the season. The stats are based upon the last 5 games played.

2023-2024 Trefl Sopot Leaders

MPG Aaron Best 27.7
FG% Szymon Tomczak .605
3P% Paul Scruggs .432
FT% Jakub Schenk .892
ORPG Mikolaj Witlinski 2.2
DRPG Andy Van Vliet 4.0
RPG Geoff Groselle 5.7
APG Benedek Varadi 4.7
BPG Paul Scruggs 0.7
SPG Paul Scruggs 0.9
PPG Aaron Best 12.4